Frozen Egg
Name: unnamed
Species: Kobaldibar Crystalwing
Birthday: Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Owner: Chess

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Element: Earth/Air An icon depicting the element EarthAn icon depicting the element Air

This exceptionally heavy egg is brightly colored as if to signal to predators it is poisonous.

Kobaldibar crystalwings hatch with only small grains of minerals coating their skin, but as they age massive crystals will form around the feathers of their wings, eventually preventing them from flying. What would in other creatures be a serious detriment is no concern to kobaldibar crystalwings; by the time they lose the ability to fly, they have acquired enough toxins in their body to make them one of the most poisonous creatures in the world, and most creatures learn to stay well away from them. The skin of a kobaldibar crystalwing is so potent that any creature that bites them will become deathly ill and usually die within a few hours after their encounter. Despite their toxicity, these crystalwings are actually welcomed in many areas rich in toxic minerals, as the crystalwings will eat or absorb many of the deadly compounds and sequester them away in their bodies. The crystals do not seem to easily come off of the animals or get absorbed into the water they drink, so the crystalwings may even be introduced to places contaminated with heavy metals in order to clean them.

Sprite art: Borealum (egg) | Description: PKGriffin