Frozen Egg
Name: unnamed
Species: Tetzcotal Sea Terror
Birthday: Sunday, April 16, 2017
Owner: zylle

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Stage Progress: 3.05%
Overall Progress: 1.52%

Element: Light An icon depicting the element Light

Is this an egg or a creature? You dare not prod at it to find out if it has a hard exterior; what if it stings you? It certainly reacts to its environment, but moves in a solely instinctual fashion to stay in water of the correct temperature. Aha, now you see the shell. It's an egg.

These deadly predators found in the ocean near Tetzcotal are a rare sighting; perhaps once a year their migratory habits bring them close enough to the coast that fishermen will find them tangled in nets. Typically such nets are cut and written off as a loss, as most are loathe to risk getting too close to such deadly, though beautiful, creatures. They are a fairly deep water animal, with the ability, perhaps magically augmented, to phosphoresce a beautiful bright blue which is stark contrast to their typical darker patterning. Magi have only recently discovered them, and are still studying whether this is hunting or mating behavior, or possibly something else altogether. When bonded with a magi, they stay in shallower waters or aquariums close to hand, and typically only display their phosphorescence at night.

Sprite art: Tekla (egg) | Description: ApprenticeCrone