Adult Female
Name: unnamed
Species: Crystalcoatl
Birthday: Monday, May 11, 2015
Owner: Kaiarra

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Stage Progress: 100%
Overall Progress: 100%

Element: Fire An icon depicting the element Fire

Crystalcoatls grow far larger than most of their quetzalcoatl kin; their wings reach eight feet from wingtip to wingtip, and at full height, they can look a man in the eyes. The creatures are heavier than one might assume from their size, and they can use it to their advantage, throwing their bulk at enemies and pinning them down so they can do no harm. Their shimmering horns and mace-like tails can do substantial damage as well. Crystalcoatls rarely attack unless directly threatened, however, and are widely known for their gentle natures. Like most quetzalcoatls, crystalcoatls love basking, and their gems can grow quite hot from an afternoon of sitting in the sun. They can store heat in these gemstones to use during the night, and so can often be found resting with no less than three or four winged cats draped over their coils.

A rare mix of quetzalcoatl and crystalwing, crystalcoatls, as they are affectionately called at the Keep, are large winged serpents with an affinity for gems. As they age, their hoarding instinct wavers, but grows strong again in females when they lay their eggs. Their bodies are capable of storing large amounts of heat when they bask in the sunlight, and they use this energy to keep themselves and their eggs warm. Crystalcoatls of the Keep may extend this power to help other creatures as well, and few things are as nice in winter as a warm crystalcoatl sleeping under one's bed. These creatures make their homes all around the world, favoring caves in volcanic regions near Voltar and the Etain Desert, though they can also be found at high altitudes where more sunlight penetrates the clouds. Those that live in the Caves of Nareau are usually just visitors, though legend claims that it is in chambers deep within the caves, heated and lit by magic, where the crystalcoatls originated.

Sprite art: Lazuli (adult) | Description: PKGriffin