Frozen Egg
Name: unnamed
Species: Cardoon
Birthday: Sunday, June 15, 2014
Owner: xXAzerinXx

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Element: Neutral An icon depicting the element Neutral

This doesn’t appear to be an egg at all at first, rather some odd sort of vegetable.

Cardoons are known to be slow, docile creatures. They are rarely targets for predators, as they can defend themselves quite well. If ever attacked, cardoons simply lie down and curl into tight balls. In this position, cardoons are all but impossible to attack. This is due to the strange, overlapping scales that cover their bodies. These green scales act as natural armor, and very little can pierce them. Cardoon companions use this protection to their advantage, napping out in the open whenever they wish. They have no need for dens, and claim no territories. They are largely solitary creatures, though they care for their young for several years. Any older cardoon will look after a cardoon hatchling, supplying them with food and watching over them. Should a young cardoon refuse to follow an adult, the adult cardoon will usually just roll the little one along as one would a ball. Magi will sometimes pop these little spheres into their pockets, where the hatchling happily snoozes. Cardoons are friendly enough creatures, and happily approach anyone who offers them food. Though their diet mainly consists of small insects, they love vegetables as well. Cardoons adore artichokes above all other meals, and will raid gardens in search of them.

Sprite art: Tekla/Jrap17 (egg) | Description: Damien