Female Hatchling
Name: unnamed
Species: Stelera Eagle
Birthday: Friday, May 16, 2014
Owner: NelwNoll

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Stage Progress: 36.83%
Overall Progress: 67.22%

Element: Water An icon depicting the element Water

These little ones are dependent on their parents for the first months of their lives. They are unable to fly, and do not stray far from their nests. Stelera eagle hatchlings are ravenous little creatures, fixated on devouring anything they can get their beaks on. They will not grow flight feathers until six months of age, and instead have soft, downy plumage. Despite being so vulnerable, they have sharp bites and even sharper voices. Should a young stelera fledgling ever feel a bit peckish and ignored, it will begin screeching in a most annoying fashion until fed. Luckily, these little ones will promptly fall asleep after completing their feasting.

Though these eagles may be found near rivers, they are never found far inland. When taken too far from the sea, they become extremely aggressive, attacking even their magi. This is not to say they are peaceful when near water - they have sharp beaks that can rend flesh easily. Their long talons are perfectly suited for snatching up fish, which they do with great pleasure. Stelera eagles are voracious creatures and weigh too much to be carried by any human. Despite this, they are able to fly for many hours, crossing oceans with ease. They expend very little energy by gliding on wind drafts, diving into the water should they spot any prey. Stelera eagles are able to dive beneath the waves, their wings moving as if through air. Though they usually resurface in just a few moments, some believe they can breathe underwater indefinitely. They are very secretive about this power, and are careful never to use it for too long in front of humans.

Sprite art: GlassWalker (hatchling) | Description: Damien