Frozen Egg
Name: Chestnut Kirin Egg
Species: Chestnut Kirin
Birthday: Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Owner: IllusionQueen

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Element: Void/Life An icon depicting the element VoidAn icon depicting the element Life

Several scales cover this egg's shell, and a tuft of mane can be seen.

In darker age, tales used to be told around the fire, and a common one was about the kirin. It was said that a long time ago, a great lord went out on a hunt, with many followers. His hunting party was hard on the heels of a boar when they came to a clearing, far in the depths of the forest. No one living had ever ventured that far, and the way was unknown. A few turned back in fear, but the lord was so curious that he continued on. He stopped at the edge of the trees, looking at the meadow. The clearing was beautiful, bathed in sunlight, and full of flowers, but what the group glimpsed at the far edge was far more stunning. An unknown animal, much like a deer, stood at the edge watching the company. It stood unmoving only for a fleeting moment, before turning and disappearing into the forest. The hunting party pursued it, but the creature was gone as if it had never been. There are many accounts of this tale, and the animal always seems to be different; some stories say the deer was dark of fur, with markings the color of lightning. Other variations say it was tawny brown and amber, emanating gentleness. Other than the peace that came with the presence of this creature, there were delicate scales along its back, marking it apart from normal creatures. No commoner knows how to find these animals, and their magic makes them impossible to discover against their will. Magi know the true origin of this creature, and even have tamed it. Still, the kirin is not commonly known, for it does not often venture out of the woods of Silva.

Sprite art: Niwer (egg) | Description: Damien