Female Hatchling
Name: unnamed
Species: Arkenian Tantivus
Birthday: Saturday, March 1, 2014
Owner: NelwNoll

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Stage Progress: 17.43%
Overall Progress: 58.72%

Element: Fire An icon depicting the element Fire

One should be careful not to place any torches too low to the ground. If not out of reach, a tantivus hatchling will will happily munch on a torch or even a lantern. These little ones are attracted to any kind of light or flame during the night, and many a campsite has been trampled by them. During the day, though, these foals are like any other horses. They play with one another, testing their speed and agility and ganging together to bother older companions. Young tantivus companions will even invite humans to join their games, engaging in tag.

During the day, these companions act as any other horse. They travel in loose packs, roaming together and grazing on grass. Foals are kept nearby, with a few tantivi keeping an eye on them. These companions are friendly enough, and mingle with other equines. As soon as evening begins to creep over the land, however, a transformation comes over tantivus companions. They grow restless and leave the lands around the castle, traveling to open lands where they might run. When the first star shows in the darkening sky, these companions change. Their manes burst into flame, and their appetites for grass disappear. Rather, they are ravenous for embers and coals, and have even been known to drink lava. They prefer devouring meteors over all other things, however, and will run great distances to find them. Tantivi will even watch meteor showers and later search out the fallen meteors. Those tantivus companions that possess blue flames seem to find sources of food more easily, and their fires burn hotter, making them more dangerous. Most predators remain far from them, as tantivi show up quite clearly in the dark and are capable of delivering powerful flaming kicks. They can choose otherwise, though, and allow their flames to be cool to the touch, though they only do this when they feel safe. Wild tantivus companions are easy to track, as they leave burned hoof prints in the ground, and herds can inadvertently set wildfires.

Sprite art: Tekla/Xenomorph (hatchling) | Description: Damien/Tekla