Frozen Female Hatchling
Name: unnamed
Species: Northern Light Fox
Birthday: Monday, December 31, 2012
Owner: XanderTheBlade

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Stage Progress: 2.56%
Overall Progress: 51.28%

Element: Water An icon depicting the element Water

Northern light fox hatchlings take time to grow into their powers, and until then, must remain safely on land or ice. The harsh cold seems to have no effect on them, and they spend their time as other young do: exploring and playing until exhaustion overtakes them. Come morning, these little ones are nowhere to be seen. Many have remained with the northern light fox hatchlings all night, to determine where their dens are, but to no avail. Seemingly in the blink of an eye, or the instant one turns their head, the young foxes disappear from sight. The same is true when the sky darkens and stars begin to appear: northern light foxes appear from nowhere, ready to instigate mock fights with each other.

These fascinating creatures are seldom seen. They prefer the northern regions of the world, where snow never fully melts and few humans venture. With their unique coats, they would stand out bright against the white lands, but northern light foxes rarely spend time on land. It is very rare to see one of these companions on solid ground, and this is because they are almost continually using their magic. These companions possess a very strange power, one that has allowed them to remain hidden for countless generations. If magi were able to unlock its secrets, this magic would certainly change the face of the world. For you see, northern light foxes can walk across water as if it were solid ground, their paws never becoming wet. They travel far into the northern oceans, and their paths always coincide with the dancing northern lights for which they are named. Many have hypothesized that these companions gain energy from the lights, and as such must be near them at all times. This is generally regarded as true, as no one has ever seen a northern light fox make a fresh kill, or even consume anything. Before northern light foxes were discovered, many rumors floated about. Sailors who ventured to the far north spoke of lights shining in the distance, like the aurora itself was touching the earth. But when they moved closer, the lights would move further off, never allowing for a proper look.

Sprite art: GlassWalker (hatchling) | Description: Damien