Female Hatchling
Name: unnamed
Species: Cymatil Samean
Birthday: Friday, August 31, 2012
Owner: NelwNoll

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Stage Progress: 6.80%
Overall Progress: 53.40%

Element: Earth An icon depicting the element Earth

Whenever someone approaches the lake, a bunch of samean hatchlings will pop up at once, and sometimes leave the water altogether. More adventurous hatchlings will explore, running around wildly before diving back into the lake, or into a nearby fountain. These fountains are not just for decoration, but are strategically placed around the castle just for sameans. Occasionally, a samean hatchling will refuse to leave a fountain, and must be lured away with a treat. These little ones love all manner of foods, but are partial to dried seaweed. Should one think of picking a samean hatchling up, they will experience a sharp pain in the hands, which will become numb for a few moments.

Be it dawn or midnight, there are always creatures moving through the waters of Lake Lakira. Should one delve to the depths of the lake, they will certainly find at least a few sameans. These companions are rarely seen on land, though they are able to breathe air, and can even survive for a short while outside of water. Sometimes they are seen racing across the beach, collecting something before hurriedly submerging again. Older sameans are less likely to leave the water, as they are quickest when swimming. These creatures use their long tails and fins to propel themselves at great speeds. Though sameans can swim faster than many creatures, this is not their only way to evade harm. Sameans have the most unique ability to petrify plants, turning them to stone. This process can be done in a blink of an eye, creating rough rock, or take many moons and produce smooth, rare stones. When in extreme duress, a samean may use this power against another living creature, turning their flesh to stone for a few moments in warning. Some say that the samenas can use this magic to such an extent that their foe will turn completely into rock, though others dismiss this as rumor. Indeed, no one has ever witnessed such an occurrence. Still, the idea of one's hand - or perhaps their whole body – being permanently turned to stone is not a pleasant thought.

Sprite art: Xenomorph/Lazuli (hatchling) | Description: Damien