Male Hatchling
Name: unnamed
Species: Pale Arkai
Birthday: Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Owner: heyhoy12

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Stage Progress: 94.45%
Overall Progress: 98.83%

Element: Light An icon depicting the element Light

It is necessary to shield your eyes as an arkai breaks forth from its shell. A harsh light will radiate from a hole in the egg, and it is best to look away at this point. The light will gradually grow in strength as the hole widens, until at last the egg is broken completely open. A new arkai chick will makes its first steps, stumbling forward into the world. As the newborn slowly becomes aware of its surroundings the light dims, one is able to lower their hand. The first look into the eyes of your newest companion is met by a pair of bright, curious eyes. These little hatchlings have feathers so bright that one cannot look at them for too long. As it ages it will learn to control its powers, and along with shining feathers it will possess more harmful skills.

Arkai birds are named so because of their resemblance to the magical lights that the Arkai magi create. These magi use their scientific and magical skills to create dazzling displays known as firelights. The lights come in many different colors, much like the arkai birds themselves. The arkai are almost exclusively found in the lands surrounding the arkai magi's homes, as those magi have taken them as their favorite companions. The order of the Arkai believe light holds the secrets of the universe, and they have dedicated their lives to this element. It is because of this that the arkai birds are their chosen companions, as these birds hold power over the light. These beautiful creatures also are more than happy to assist their human companions in their work, in exchange for protection and friendship. Arkai birds do not have many enemies, for the ability to produce explosions that devastate the landscape is all the protection they have need of. The only threat is the occasional poacher, who foolishly dares to approach one of these valuable birds. Arkai birds are found south of Voltar, where the land is too hot for most creatures to survive. Here, where volcanoes often erupt and lava forms streams, is where the arkai magi make their homes. It is most stunning during the night, when the heat abides somewhat. Then these birds show up against the dark sky, their feathers bright against the blackness. They almost seem to shine from within, making the hot journey more than worth the effort.

Sprite art: Rijolt/GlassWalker (hatchling) | Description: Damien