Adult Male
Name: Ahmose
Species: Lunar Fox
Birthday: Sunday, September 19, 2010
Owner: nuevapaz

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Element: Water An icon depicting the element Water

Lunar foxes possess great hatred towards the solar. In past times, there have been several eclipses, all which ended with disastrous results. When both the sun and moon show, lunar and solar foxes are able to meet, but the two cannot coexist. So it is that eclipses bring horrible battles with much bloodshed, and only few foxes survive. Despite this, lunar foxes are extremely social to others of their kind, and they typically eat and dwell together. Even the adults are playful towards each other, and friendly to their human companions. They share the same cool colors as the night, and have marvelous markings. The moon pattern on their fur is a mark of their curse, but a beautiful one, and becomes more apparent as they age. When fully grown they are incredibly small for foxes, generally the size of cats. However, this does not mean that these animals cannot fully defend themselves; sharp teeth and claws protect them in the wild. Their large ears also make for incredible hearing, and lunar foxes can jump very high, a useful skill when searching for prey. They abhor short days, when the sun rises too soon and poses a threat towards them. In such situations, they call upon their magic to bring forth rain and clouds. Adult foxes are able to supply their own meals, which range from small animals to insects and even eggs. When the threatening night falls, they gather and make burrows to protect themselves while they sleep.

Long ago, no solar or lunar foxes existed, and these creatures were known only as desert foxes. They lived throughout the Etain desert, and it was well known that they possessed great powers. Despite this magic, these animals did not become companions of magi, but lived separate from humans, avoiding them. Unfortunately, there were some who would have this otherwise – namely, a dark magi of the name Hawthorne. This man had long ago chosen an evil path, and sought to harness the magic of these foxes to create permanent night. Though this man was cunning, his plan went awry, as spells that meddle with nature often do. A huge explosion was the result of Hawthorne's enchantment, and the dark magi died instantly. That was not the only price that was paid for his actions – lunar foxes came into being. These creatures are colored like the night, and bear a curse – the ability to live during the dark only. As soon as the sun rises, lunar foxes are forced to find shelter lest they die. No attempt to reverse the spell has ever been undertaken, as it is far too dangerous. One positive thing to come from this incident, however, was new companions. These foxes are no longer as reclusive as they once were, but often seek out friends in humans.

Sprite art: Umbreonage (adult) | Description: Damien