Frozen Male Hatchling
Name: Kiba
Species: Lunar Fox
Birthday: Sunday, September 5, 2010
Owner: cyberus151

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Stage Progress: 69.54%
Overall Progress: 83.83%

Element: Water An icon depicting the element Water

These chubby babies sleep much of the time, but are full of energy once awake. With their constant eating and playing, lunar fox hatchlings are hard to care for. Thankfully, their parents take most of the duties, teaching them to hunt and, above all, fear the sun. Every morning magi can be seen looking for lost pups to bring them inside, away from the harmful light of dawn. But do not be foolish enough to think that the end of night will mean calm in The Keep: there is no respite from these feisty younglings. As soon as the lunar foxes finally go to sleep, their solar counterparts will wake and begin to wreck havoc. One would think that the constant danger of the sun would keep these animals subdued, but nothing lessens the spirits of lunar hatchlings. They are far too busy stalking prey and fooling around with each other to pay much mind to the deadly curse that lingers over them. Their magi companions and parents can pay attention to those concerns; hatchlings should only be concerned with growing and play. Once these younglings are grown enough to fully serve as companions, they often accompany magi on short travels during the nighttime, and are always excited to discover new places.

Long ago, no solar or lunar foxes existed, and these creatures were known only as desert foxes. They lived throughout the Etain desert, and it was well known that they possessed great powers. Despite this magic, these animals did not become companions of magi, but lived separate from humans, avoiding them. Unfortunately, there were some who would have this otherwise – namely, a dark magi of the name Hawthorne. This man had long ago chosen an evil path, and sought to harness the magic of these foxes to create permanent night. Though this man was cunning, his plan went awry, as spells that meddle with nature often do. A huge explosion was the result of Hawthorne's enchantment, and the dark magi died instantly. That was not the only price that was paid for his actions – lunar foxes came into being. These creatures are colored like the night, and bear a curse – the ability to live during the dark only. As soon as the sun rises, lunar foxes are forced to find shelter lest they die. No attempt to reverse the spell has ever been undertaken, as it is far too dangerous. One positive thing to come from this incident, however, was new companions. These foxes are no longer as reclusive as they once were, but often seek out friends in humans.

Sprite art: Umbreonage (hatchling) | Description: Damien