Adult Female
Name: unnamed
Species: Dark Bone Dragon
Birthday: Saturday, August 28, 2010
Owner: Fehvy

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Stage Progress: 100%
Overall Progress: 100%

Element: Fire An icon depicting the element Fire

It is an odd thing to watch a bone dragon age. With no flesh or scales covering them, one can watch the very bones of these dragons knit together and enlarge, a discomforting sight. Once they finally reach adulthood, bone dragons are so large that they dwarf houses. As with most draconians, they never stop growing and are capable of becoming as large as The Keep itself. Dragons of such size are rare, and only two are known to have existed – one slain by an army of magi, and one whose whereabouts are unknown. A unique trait of bone dragons is that they bear their young dead, and only the heat from a dragon's breathe can bring their young to life. How these dragons came to exist is unknown – there are few old tomes about bone dragons. Due to their appearances and deadly natures, it's assumed a dark magi raised these draconians, using some ancient, forgotten magic. Whether these creatures were created or came into existence naturally is unknown, though bone dragons used to only be the companions of dark magi, suggesting a supernatural birth. In recent years, these dragons have split into two definite factions, the orange colored dragons retaining their violent nature while the purple have become slightly more friendly towards their magi companions.

Where the Alasre mountains meet the desert, bone dragons live, frightening creatures resembling skeletons. No flesh covers their bones, and their cruel teeth and talons make them fearsome to behold. For this reason, no villages exist for miles around these dragons' homes. Bone dragons prey upon easy targets such as livestock, but not to devour. These draconians gain energy by burning things, and for this reason the lands surrounding their nests are blighted. Even the rocks themselves are scorched. Of all the different breeds, bone dragons are known to possess the most devastating skill with flame, able to set entire villages ablaze with just a few breaths. Only the most intrepid or foolish of the magi dare to encroach on their lands, and many perish. The few that return carry with them strange eggs, which burn at incredible temperatures. Raising one of these dragons is an ambitious undertaking, but if done correctly, a magi can gain an incredibly powerful companion. If, however, a magi made a mistake with their beast, they could quickly find themselves in terrible danger.

Sprite art: GlassWalker (adult) | Description: Damien | Side art: GlassWalker