Frozen Egg
Name: Shelddan
Species: Kuras Tiger
Birthday: Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Owner: xXAzerinXx

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Element: Neutral An icon depicting the element Neutral

This red and green egg has an incredibly strong shell.

A kuras tiger comes about its armor in two ways; it grows it with the aid of magic, but it also eats what it can find to strengthen its armor further. Their diet also includes a wide variety of meat, and they kill only to feed. Once fully grown, this plating will harden further, becoming impenetrable by any known weapon. Regardless of the color of the tiger, the metal is always what appears to be living iron, durable and constantly regenerating. These tigers are either a beautiful shade of orange or a cool silver, both colors striped. Kuras tigers are one of the more difficult magical creatures for magi to obtain, because of their power. An adult has never been captured alive, and finding a cub on its own is rare. It is said that the nagas of Raza hold them in high respect, even giving them offerings so that, in return, the nagas are not attacked. Others, though, should be wary when venturing into the Jungle, and do so only in daylight, when these tigers are resting high in the trees.

Sprite art: GlassWalker (egg) | Description: Damien