Male Hatchling
Name: unnamed
Species: Mohi Paiga
Birthday: Saturday, June 8, 2024
Owner: Seejey

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Stage Progress: 6.89%
Overall Progress: 51.80%

Element: Neutral An icon depicting the element Neutral

It's become a trend for people at the Keep to have at least a paiga or a melcu hatchling with them all the time. The tiny hatchlings attach themselves to their magi owners, curiously examining the feelings of all those around them. Too small for their bodies to show emotion, the hatchlings compensate by chirping silently, vocalizing their understanding of others' feelings. They are curious creatures, and many magi make sure to have these hatchlings accompanying them during official meetings or friendly night outs. It's encouraged for the hatchlings to learn to read the emotions of others so they can have an easier time empathizing and showing what they feel once they reach adulthood.

Many creatures show their emotions, mainly when sad, angry, or happy. The paiga and melcu are no exceptions, but they show their feelings in very different ways. Their behaviors remain the same - considered apathetic by most - with their emotions showing on their bodies. The paiga's emotions show on its abdomen, while the melcu's appear on its shell. Since they are very empathic, they can be trained to display on their bodies what others feel. Happily attaching themselves to their magi, the paiga and melcu show not only their owner's feelings but also the ones of those around them. With a robust body and sturdy legs, the paiga will hold around one's finger and act much like a mood ring. The melcu, on the other hand, will curl up in its shell and stick on clothes like a badge of sorts, poking out its eyes only to see the reactions of those around it when it displays the true feelings of others. Children, of course, are excited about these creatures and their ability to change the shapes on their bodies. However, they are more prized by adults as the paiga and melcu are some of the few creatures that can sense and show the true feelings of people.

Sprite art: Mysfytt (hatchling) | Description: Real