Female Hatchling
Name: unnamed
Species: Gang-gang Cockatoo
Birthday: Sunday, December 31, 2023
Owner: Rexsaurus

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Stage Progress: 4.21%
Overall Progress: 52.11%

Element: Light An icon depicting the element Light

Gang-gang cockatoo hatchlings are a handful to raise, constantly stealing anything that catches their fancy from their magi and attempting to make ornaments with them. Being rather clever birds, even at a young age, hiding things or putting them out of reach rarely is very effective for long. Unfortunately, hatchlings are still clumsy at crafting, and so the materials they steal are usually broken beyond repair and then discarded. They also like to sing loudly whenever they're not trying to steal something, making sleeping a difficult proposition at times. Fortunately, their singing is charmingly melodious, and gang-gangs will readily learn any songs their magi hums to them, and even sing back variations of the tune.

Gang-gang cockatoos originate from Taggelisk and the Ixan Jungle, where it is warm even when the Keep is snowbound. By a stroke of lucky timing, they most commonly start trying to attract mates at the same time magi start preparing for winter solstice festivities. This is highly fortunate as they are excellent ornament-makers, and males cover trees with their creations in order to display to prospective partners just in time to make the trees around the Keep very festive. Females are capable of making ornaments as well, and signal their choice in partner by helping to finish decorating the chosen tree, but first will spend a great deal of time landing on each prospective mate's tree and singing while inspecting it carefully. Males who sing back while decorating are more likely to be chosen as mates. Bonded pairs will sing lovely duets together while they decorate and build their nests. Since they eagerly pick up new songs and will invent new variations on them, magi have taught the population at the Keep a great variety of traditional solstice tunes to help set a festive atmosphere.

Sprite art: Mysfytt (hatchling) | Description: Kestrad