Adult Female
Name: unnamed
Species: Temple Burrower
Birthday: Friday, September 15, 2023
Owner: Nagapie

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Stage Progress: 100%
Overall Progress: 100%

Element: Earth An icon depicting the element Earth

An adult temple burrower still has terrible eyesight, but is usually less likely to bumble into walls and corners. They love to be fed sweet things, and will follow their noses to anything that might be tasty, even if they're not supposed to eat it. Generally quiet, they do grunt to themselves, and will bleat when alarmed. Unlike hatchlings, they know how to find their way back if they dig a long way, but magi should still be careful to make sure their burrower doesn't end up under their neighbour's basement. Burrowers are hardly malicious, but they can be singleminded about their digging, so it's always best to ensure the burrower has a constructive outlet - and all the treats they can eat.

As their name implies, temple burrowers like nothing more than to dig holes, pits, and elaborate underground labyrinths. In light of this, burrowers are indispensable to magi looking to build new homes and shops - especially as temple burrowers are quite willing to be paid in tasty treats. It's said that temple burrowers are responsible for the construction of the great ruined city in the middle of the Etain desert, though no one can find any records to prove it. Regardless, wild burrowers are often found in this area, resting from the heat of the day and gorging on the figs and dates in the old orchard.

Sprite art: Munin (adult) | Description: Sochitelya | Side art: Munin