Adult Male
Name: unnamed
Species: Alvean Yale
Birthday: Monday, May 1, 2023
Owner: Nagapie

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Stage Progress: 100%
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Element: Neutral An icon depicting the element Neutral

Adult alvean yales are energetic creatures with colorful coats that remind people of spring. Although both genders sport magnificent horns, their wool is of different colors that help them blend with the soft, vernal flowers. No one in Alveus is happy to care for them as they are very enthusiastic and even more troublesome. People build new fences every few weeks to contain the yales, but one or two adults always escape and wreak havoc. They are stubborn and perseverent, and no matter how high or sturdy the fences of their enclosure are, the yales will plan and plot, coming up with new ways of escaping and annoying those who tend to their well-being, if nothing else. They are peaceful otherwise, never harming people or other creatures, but they like to damage things by chewing on wooden legs or trees. Crops are their favorite right before riping, but farmers' sandwiches are never safe if they contain a few leaves of lettuce. People of Alveus tolerate them only because of their precious wool, otherwise considering them a nuisance.

The story behind the alvean yales is full of questions, and the creature's origin is yet to be determined. On the one hand, the people of Alveus blame Foenara for the sudden increase in the alvean yale population. Still bitter about the treaty between Foenara and Alveus, the alvean people say the foenarans are the ones who created these yales and let them run rampant on their land, eating their crops. On the other hand, Foenara denies these rumors, saying they had no interest in creating such a creature, especially since it does not benefit anyone. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle, with someone breeding the hill and alpine yales extensively to obtain such colorful coats without considering the risks of having a small herd of yales run around in a land that relies on its crops so much. One would think that such energetic creatures would have been driven away long ago as they destroy things with incredible ease and always need something to entertain them. However, people trade the yales' soft wool with magi - who are happy to knit warm sweaters in beautiful shades - in return for goods and food to last the alvean people through the harsh winters.

Sprite art: Mysfytt (adult) | Description: Real