Male Hatchling
Name: unnamed
Species: Haitu
Birthday: Wednesday, February 15, 2023
Owner: NelwNoll

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Stage Progress: 15.67%
Overall Progress: 57.84%

Element: Water An icon depicting the element Water

From the moment they hatch, haitu are surrounded by water. While making the water swirl in pretty patterns around them seems to be a passive ability, hatchlings are much more prone to splashing whatever is in their vicinity constantly. Combined with how affectionate hatchling haitu are, raising one makes for a very wet experience. They are very self sufficient as far as hatchlings go, though, going for long swims when not demanding moist cuddles and apparently grazing on underwater vegetation during those swims, since they have little interest in being fed by their magi. It's still recommended that a magi keep an eye on their hatchling when it's not underwater, though, as the swirling water around them is not yet strong enough to fend off predators.

With beautifully soft, pleasingly patterned fur and a gentle, loving disposition, haitu would be ideal companions if it weren't for their tendency to leave giant puddles wherever they go. Haitu love swimming, in the ocean in particular, and in fact sometimes disappear for weeks at a time into the sea, leading to speculation that they might change form during that time. On land, they attract and control water, trailing it around themselves in gorgeous swirling patterns, and leave a puddle within minutes wherever they rest. Despite this, their fur is always inexplicably dry wherever a magi pets them. Haitu molt every few months, and the shed hair is also always inexplicably dry. Their shed wool is gathered up to make wondrously soft, warm garments that regulate moisture perfectly, though washing them requires a special spell, and the garments are always purple, resisting all efforts to dye them any other color.

Sprite art: Mysfytt (hatchling) | Description: Kestrad