Adult Male
Name: unnamed
Species: Nadolig Corgerus
Birthday: Sunday, December 25, 2022
Owner: counselor1332

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Stage Progress: 100%
Overall Progress: 100%

Element: Neutral An icon depicting the element Neutral

As a nadolig corgerus approaches adulthood, the three heads grow much better at agreeing and coordinating what the body should do, making them considerably less prone to accidentally collapsing into a pile mid-stride. However, their stubby legs and cheerful aura ensure they remain very cute. Perhaps due to their most common hatch time, nadolig corgeruses are heavily associated with the winter solstice celebration, and so it is very common for them to be festooned with festive collars and solstice bells even during other times of year. When they aren’t busy taking part in festivities, nadolig corgeruses are often put to work herding the Keep’s magical flocks. Nadolig corgeruses approach this work with gusto, and their cheering aura usually ensures that the creatures being herded are happy to comply.

Nadolig Corgeruses are adorable fluffballs of joy, with all three heads so relentlessly cheerful that magi and creatures around them can’t help but be happy. This doesn’t always mean that the heads agree on what they’re happy about - one may be daydreaming about its next tasty meal while another is singing along to its magi, and the third is attempting to chase after a round ornament it just spotted. This often results in comical mishaps where one head tries to start running while the others are distracted, and the corgerus ends up in an adorable pile on the ground. These companions have very mild control over flames - just enough to light decorative candles and keep them from setting nearby items on fire - leading to some speculation that they are distantly related to the much more fearsome soulflame and hellflame cerberuses. However, nadolig corgeruses show little inclination of hunting their own prey, though they do greatly enjoy stealing meat from the Keep kitchens.

Sprite art: Mysfytt (adult) | Description: Kestrad