Female Hatchling
Name: unnamed
Species: Aaru Sphinx Cat
Birthday: Monday, October 31, 2022
Owner: Rexsaurus

Recent Clicks: Show/Hide
Stage Progress: 2.76%
Overall Progress: 51.38%

Element: Void An icon depicting the element Void

Hatchling aaru sphinx cats are very sedate, napping all day and rarely moving except to shift to keep inside their favorite sunbeam. However, they can be enticed to play with their favorite human from time to time, especially if offered something shiny. Hatchlings already have prophetic powers, but poor control over them, and so anyone playing with a sphinx kitten is advised to be careful not to get accidentally poked with the staff. The visions resulting from such accidental exposures tend to be confusing, if not outright disturbing, and while technically representative of a possible future, rarely actually helpful in any way.

Aaru sphinx cats are considered threshold guardians, traditionally of the world of life and death, but often in a more literal sense as well. They likely originated from the etain desert, though nowadays they are found everywhere in the world. Dignified and mildly standoffish at all times, even for cats, they take their role as guardians of thresholds very seriously, which usually means they take up a post by the door of the household they reside with all day. Whether they choose the most useful door to guard is rather debatable, though it is often the sunniest. Despite their aloof nature, these sphinx cats will grant any who approach them with a gift one specific boon - a prophecy. Aaru sphinx cats will give a hint of how long someone is fated to live, whereas amenthes sphinx cats hint at the current balance of a person's actions. These prophecies are granted by touching their staff to the asker's forehead, granting a vision. The predictions are not set in stone, and one who is unsatisfied with their prediction can take actions to make their future more favorable.

Sprite art: Mysfytt (hatchling) | Description: Kestrad