Adult Female
Name: unnamed
Species: Arkenian Alside
Birthday: Friday, August 26, 2022
Owner: biru

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Stage Progress: 100%
Overall Progress: 100%

Element: Neutral An icon depicting the element Neutral

The adult arkenian alsides are gifted with four wings, being as incredibly agile in the water as they are in the air. They can fly through the heaviest storms and swim in the deepest waters. With almost infinite energy, these resilient birds are the perfect companions when dangerous waters need to be explored or when strange storms need to be studied. While they spend most of their lives at sea, every few years, the adult alsides return to Arkene to lay their eggs. The mating process is long and tiring. They start by finding the perfect abandoned jackalope burrow, a place they will call home for the rest of the year. Choosing the right partner is extremely important for these birds, as they mate for life. Because of this, they spend many months searching for trinkets, not only to impress their partner, but to decorate their homes as well. Come spring, an egg is laid, and the partners take turns caring for it. While one of the parents is busy with the egg, the other will fly to the nearby water body, providing food for both of them.

Those who ever visited Arkene are no strangers to the alsides. They can be spotted anywhere from rooftops to the top of nearby cliffs, always carrying something in their beaks. No matter what is in their beak, the alsides will drop what they hold only to pick up something that looks more interesting than their current catch. Quite the hoarders, the arkenian alsides reside in abandoned jackalope burrows, where they keep their stash of wonders and lay their eggs. Taking great interest in the visitors of Arkene, it's not unusual for them to follow someone around. More interested in the trinkets magis carry, the alsides will flock around those who catch their eye. They will follow the person until they receive something, be it food, pebbles, or even a shiny bead. If you ever happen to gift an alside something of great importance, the bird will return the favor, entrusting you with one of its eggs. This is considered a great honor, few being lucky enough to gain an alside's trust.

Sprite art: Mysfytt (adult) | Description: Real