Adult Male
Name: unnamed
Species: Ruffled Minikraken
Birthday: Sunday, May 15, 2022
Owner: MistyoC

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Stage Progress: 100%
Overall Progress: 100%

Element: Neutral An icon depicting the element Neutral

Adult minikrakens at the Keep generally live at Lake Lakira and only rarely leave, generally unwilling to be a great distance away from their magi for longer than a few days at a time, and always eager for attention from their companion. A rare exception to this is when spring rolls around, and with it their breeding season. For about a month, the minikrakens of Lake Lakira are more preoccupied with impressing each other to find a suitable mate. However, once they have laid their eggs into the water, to be carried by currents into the surrounding streams, they once again devote all their attention to their magi companion. Unbonded minikrakens surely exist in the wild, but seem to be very uncommon. Minikrakens crave companionship, and don't provide it between themselves with familial bonds, or seek it out in creatures other than magi.

Unlike their much larger cousins, ruffled minikrakens are found closer to home, in deep lake and river crevices rather than in the dark abyss of the ocean. They start their lives similarly sized to the krakens of the ocean and have similarly masterful command over water, but seem content to stop growing when their bodies have reached merely the size of an average magi. Despite their gorgeous technicolored skin that changes color to match the brightness of their surroundings, minikrakens are not poisonous the way so many other brightly colored creatures are. Curious, sassy, and often more than a little overprotective of their magi companions, minikrakens at the Keep tend to spend most of their days skulking in Lake Lakira, grumpily watching over (and annoying) any other aquatic friends their magi might have, while waiting for their companion to finish their duties for the day and come visit.

Sprite art: Mysfytt (adult) | Description: Kestrad