Adult Male
Name: unnamed
Species: Reaper Amagnae
Birthday: Wednesday, December 1, 2021
Owner: AzureChronos

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Stage Progress: 100%
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Element: Life/Void An icon depicting the element LifeAn icon depicting the element Void

As reaper amagnae hatchlings grow older, they molt their mildly sharp hatchling down and grow in razor sharp adult feathers. They also gain sharp spikes along their tails, wingtips, and heads, making them thoroughly unpleasant to touch. Adults also grow more aloof, though those who were raised by magi will still greet their companion and beg for treats. While wild reaper amagnae show up in the lands near the Keep every fall and then disappear back into Silva Forest once winter comes, those raised at the Keep stay put, and help keep food plentiful for its many inhabitants all year round. This is generally seen as proof that reaper amagnae powers only age crops and do not work on humans or other creatures, since those who tend reaper amagnae at the Keep seem to age normally. However, rumors still abound that anyone who mistreats their amagnae will grow feeble and weak, and expire unnaturally quickly. Reaper amagnae molt once a year, and their sharp feathers are useable as knives in a pinch. These feathers are also particularly useful as components for spells and potions relating to aging and death, adding to their ominous reputation.

Despite being covered with sharp feathers and even sharper spikes, reaper amagnae are received with a much warmer, albeit still grudging, welcome by farmers than their wild silver and brown cousins. This is partly because they are merely indifferent towards humans, rather than actively malicious. More importantly, they have the interesting ability to age crops to perfect harvest ripeness in an instant just by proximity, a power they take advantage of to always have tasty food to eat. Since they tend to appear in late fall, farmers generally don't begrudge having part of their remaining fields ransacked in exchange for the rest of their crops being made magically ready for harvest before winter sets in. However, the birds' sharp feathers, spiky appearance, and rumors that their aging powers can work on humans as well, give them a slightly ominous reputation, and mean that they are treated with a certain degree of fear. Once the harvest has been brought in, it is considered an omen of death if the birds stay on, and so most villages put offerings of fresh grain and meat on their outskirts afterwards in hopes of bribing the reaper amagnae to move on.

Sprite art: Mysfytt (adult) | Description: Kestrad