Male Hatchling
Name: unnamed
Species: Malicorn
Birthday: Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Owner: NelwNoll

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Stage Progress: 0.33%
Overall Progress: 50.17%

Element: Life An icon depicting the element Life

Raising a malicorn is considered by many to be a fool's errand. While perfectly strong, sturdy animals capable of carrying a human, their personalities make the task of even befriending them a trial of extreme patience. Malicorns are clever animals, and even at a young age seem capable of outwitting most caretakers. They will only perform the most basic tasks after a magi secures a particularly scrumptious treat, and they will slowly draw out the number of treats needed to get them to repeat the task until the magi trying to train them is all out of food. At this point, the malicorn will usually walk away and try to find another magi to feed it, bearing no particular affection for the human trying to become its companion. On rare occasions when a magi succeeds in taming a malicorn, they can perform immense magical feats and infuse weapons with the same lethality as their own horn. However, even tamed malicorns may opt to merely curse the weapon so that it backfires on anyone who tries to use it, so even dark wizards tend not to trust them much.

The grasslands of coastal Foenara have stories about magical horned horses, like many places in the world, but theirs skew different than typical tales of unicorns. The Foenarans describe an obstinate creature, a golden equid with curling horns, that is loud, boisterous, and has no fear of humans. The creature will approach a farm as it pleases and eat the farmers' crops right in front of them, the farmers unable to do anything for fear of the creature's horns. Any water the horns touch becomes poisonous to drink, and even a gentle tap on a healthy person or animal will cause them to fall ill to a seemingly random calamity. It is common to find small offering shrines on the outskirts of villages, regularly stocked with the creatures' favorite treats in an effort to appease them. These shrines seem quite effective, as the horned horses themselves can often be seen munching on their free meals or waiting patiently for the troughs to be refilled.

Sprite art: Mysfytt (hatchling) | Description: PKGriffin