Female Hatchling
Name: unnamed
Species: Grizzled Pseudonox
Birthday: Tuesday, September 3, 2019
Owner: NelwNoll

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Stage Progress: 3.42%
Overall Progress: 51.71%

Element: Void An icon depicting the element Void

A young pseudonox does not closely resemble its namesake and future prey; until they start to hunt, they carry themselves like the cubs of any mainland predator. Their ability to mimic noises is exceptional, even from a young age, and they will curiously imitate the calls of many creatures in their grassy homes, not just hipponox. Some think that juveniles are born with the potential to closely imitate any creature just as humans can learn any language when young, while others think broad imitation early in life prepares their vocal chords for the ranges needed to precisely match individual hipponoxes. Whatever the reason, once their adult patterning comes in and they start to aid hunts, they become much more like hipponox in their behavior, walking like them and making sounds almost indistinguishable from the winged unicorns.

The hipponox of Foenara are known for their ruggedness, living in herds guarded by aggressive matriarchs that ensure few predators would dare go after their young. However, there is one animal that specializes in hunting the winged unicorns, a creature that lures an isolated adult or adolescent by mimicking a rival: the pseudonox. Built more like a wolf or lion, a pseudonox has long hairs on its fetlocks, a prominent horn, and large webbed wings, and from a distance in the shadows of the Grass Forest, one could easily mistake them for their prey. Most striking is their ability to mimic the calls of the hipponox, even taking on the particular intonations of certain individuals. They hunt by attracting the attention of hipponox that wander from the herd, acting like a member from a rival herd encroaching on their territory. The hipponox will usually snort and stamp to avoid conflict, to which the pseudonox will escalate the situation, sounding like a weaker individual. As they are slightly smaller and more delicate than true hipponox, their prey will often believe a fight to be easily won, and so will chase after the rival. When the pseudonox has lured them sufficiently far from the herd, their pack mates will come in from behind and bring the hipponox down together.

Sprite art: Tekla (hatchling) | Description: PKGriffin