Frozen Egg
Name: unnamed
Species: Ocellata Amagnae
Birthday: Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Owner: Eryops3

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Stage Progress: 24.60%
Overall Progress: 10.93%

Element: Neutral An icon depicting the element Neutral

This iridescent egg is surrounded by a fan of bright feathers.

Ocellata amagnae are found mostly in the Jungle of Raza and around Tetzcotal, where their bright plumage makes them stand out against the greens of the foliage around them. This colouring is a warning to most predators: ocellata are bold birds, with an unending curiosity and a sharp beak - and, in males, long spurs - should they run into trouble while exploring. Their forked tails earned them the nickname 'snake birds' and they can use this tail like a whip, especially the female. Both males and females also have eye-shaped spots near the ends of their tail feathers, which some say they can use to see what's truly in someone's heart.

Sprite art: Tekla (egg) | Description: Sochitelya