Adult Male
Name: unnamed
Species: Opaline Xhimrau
Birthday: Thursday, February 22, 2018
Owner: LightningDragon

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Element: Neutral An icon depicting the element Neutral

Xhimrau of a given species are rarely seen with others of their own kind, but because their diets differ so starkly, the two species don't compete with one another. Many visitors who wander into the deeper parts of the caves where these odd creatures dwell have reported them interacting in surprisingly social ways, sniffing and even grooming other xhimrau whose territories overlap with their own.The common interaction between the two species has led some biologists to suggest they may interbreed often in the wild, with hatchlings then learning to hunt or forage from the parent that shares their dietary requirements. This seems to happen for the few xhimrau that live in the Keep, though little evidence of it has been confirmed in wild populations. Despite their close relations, the two known xhimrau species look and often act very different. Opaline xhimrau are adapted to break into places they're unwelcome, making use of their double-jointed paws that are armed with opposable thumbs and sharp claws to break into crystalwing eggs.

Xhimrau are bizarre denizens of the Caves of Nareau, rarely seen above the surface except in the company of magic users. They have surprisingly good vision for creatures that spend most of their time in caves, often using the bioluminescence of other organisms and inorganic materials in the caves to navigate. As the caves have sparse inhabitants, a xhimrau may have to go hungry for months before they find a decent meal, but their keen sense of smell leads them to the high-energy food sources they need to survive. Opaline xhimrau favor crystalwing eggs, using their strong, nimble paws to pry them open. If the eggs prove too tough for the opaline xhimrau, they will often throw them repeatedly against sharp crystals, and if they're truly desperate, they may throw the eggs away entirely and go after crystalwing hatchlings.

Sprite art: Tekla (adult) | Description: PKGriffin