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Lakiran Colibri #1548


A favorite around the keep, many magis welcome these little hummingbirds in their garden as they are not only a joy to watch as they flint from flower to flower drinking the sweet nectar inside, they also have the ability to grow flowers. Because of this, these little birds can be found almost everywhere, from the keep grounds, the ruins of Tetzcotal, the jungle of Raza, and even amongst the temples found in the Etain Desert. Around the keep, many magis enjoy watching these little birds, while healers can take advantage of their powers from many of the healing plants they grow. Deep in the jungles, they create flower covered vines, making an already difficult area to explore, even more difficult, but also creating sanctuaries for many small animals to hide. In the desert, these birds help the natives live out in the harsh conditions by growing many cacti which the people can use for both food and water.


This tiny egg is nestled in a small nest.


Not even the size of a coin, these birds are incredibly small and one must be very careful while walking through the garden to not disturb their nest. As they grow, they begin to grow in their feathers, but it's not until they reach adulthood that they develop their bright plumage. While hatchlings have some control over their powers, they can still have accidents, like growing a tree when they wanted a small flower.


Incredibly small and fast, these hummingbirds have few natural predators. A few cats will try to snatch one off a limb while they are resting, but most of the time they will find themselves snared in vines that the bird conjured. While they are not the most social of animals, they will sometimes light on a magi's finger and allow themselves to be pet. They require a lot more nutrition than most animals, almost constantly needing to drink nectar to keep up with the energy they burn from flying. Because of this, they have reduced lifespans, only living for around three years.


Obtained from: Stream (uncommon) Tributary: Lake Lakira
Breeding: No
Renaming cost: 200 gold
Release date: September 15h 2024

Element: Life An icon depicting the element Life

Sprite art: Jrap17 | Description: Jrap17

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