Jaan Soturi Family Crest

The Jaan Soturi Family

Creator: PaleoMage
Owner: PaleoMage

Members: 8

Halvard the brave
Set out to have
An adventure to be told of by bards.
But Halvard brave
That young knave
Accidentally doomed his honor.
That young boy, he freed
A creature of vile creed
That would consume his town and its guards.
And it roared and it screeched
And flying, it reached
The town, to Halvard’s great horror.
But then, when all hope was lost
Warrior beasts appeared and tossed
Their horns in defiance at the villain.
After a battle fought bravely
They locked the monster away quickly
In an icy prison made by its own power.
And to this very year
The townspeople here
Tell the story of the ones who killed the dragon.
(Yes, the poem is bad. I wrote it years ago and I did my best.)

Family rules

No egg freezing
No hatchling freezing
No releasing
No breeding with other lineages


1st Generation (4)

2nd Generation (2)