T Rex Scar Family Crest

The T Rex Scar Family

Creator: freakazoid
Owner: freakazoid

Members: 4

This family was named after a strange scar that appeared on my arm one day. The name came from my friend, who said that it looked like a T-Rex with two claws had slashed out at me. XD
The crest is my scar.
I chose the Alphyns because they look like they could do some serious damage with those claws. O.o

Now, they tend to claw you, leaving T-Rex like scar marks on your arms and legs, possibly even your shoulders if you're so unlucky. They hiss like a snake with that forked tongue when tormented, and those twisted tails signal that they are ready to defend their territory. Too proud to live with Magi companions, they can rarely be glimpsed frolicking through a Magi's garden, however. With powerful back legs, they are enabled to jump great lengths - which is useful both in hunting and combat. Their scruffy manes are very well maintained, as they scrape their razor-sharp claws through them daily - so they can commonly be seen with blood on their necks from scratching too hard.


1st Generation (2)