WaterDipper Family Crest

The WaterDipper Family

Creator: Zunami
Owner: Zunami

Members: 8

Members of the WaterDipper family can spend hours gazing at the stars. Their favorite constellation is The Big Dipper.

Some old cultures say the bowl is a bear, and the handle is 3 cubs following their mother. Others claim it is 3 hunters tracking a bear. The Dipper appears on some Tribal flags, while the flag of the state of Alaska features a stylized Big Dipper and North Star.

WaterDippers can see into the future. On rare occasions they will use their skills to help out a Magi friend.
They are helpful and gentle creatures. How ever if you want their help, you have to catch their attention...not an easy task.

All Ocean Leviathan are welcome in the WaterDipper family...as long as their... star crazy.


1st Generation (5)

2nd Generation (1)