Tchaicovsky Family Crest

The Tchaicovsky Family

Creator: HoukaRyuu
Owner: HoukaRyuu

Members: 15

Tchaicovsky is derived from the last name of the famous Russian composer, Peter Tchaikovsky (1840-1893).

Anatoli was a wild Roc, living independently from civilization in Silva Forest. Vladimir was a domesticated Roc who lived with a Magi named Tchaicovsky at The Keep. Alas, the Magi died in a terrible accident and Vladimir found himself alone in the wilds of Silva Forest. In the heart of the forest, Anatoli and Vladimir met while hunting for food. It was love at first sight and the two became mated for life. In remembrance for Vladimir's former Magi, they both have taken the name Tchaicovsky as their family name.

1. All Tchaicovsky Rocs must be given Russian names using the English Alphabet.
2. Please breed only with Shop Bought non-lineaged Rocs.
3. Please DO NOT FREEZE OR RELEASE eggs or hatchlings.
4. Please keep the lineage pure. No inbreeding.

Lineage Crest Made by Clewtician


1st Generation (10)

2nd Generation (2)

3rd Generation (1)