Tygrinic Family Crest

The Tygrinic Family

Creator: Steamgear
Owner: Steamgear

Members: 3

With flames that sting with the bitter frost and death of night, eyes that gleam in the shadows, he and she flew. They danced across the stars, played hide and seek with the shadows of the moon and let the wind caress their fur. The majestic gryphons were strong, but none could marvel at the unparalleled power of an Ice Gryphon, masqueraders of the Snowlands and places of dark.

With no generation to come after that, their beauty would be wasted, their history forgotten. And so they gathered, an ancient colony of gryphons to hunt, play and mate together, to love and raise their kits to be even stronger than they were. This flock named themselves after the most beautiful mountains in the Snowlands, the one that rumored, if you looked hard enough, would be able to spot the unmatched grace of the Northern Lights.

They were the Tygrinians.


1st Generation (1)