Easter Candi Family Crest

The Easter Candi Family

Creator: Moonripple
Owner: Moonripple

Members: 3

The Easter Candi Family is a Duckit-only family featuring Duckits who aid creatures like the Easter Bunny in giving out candy and other things in baskets. Each Easter, the generations are assigned to a group, whom which they deliver gifts to. If the group cooperates and follow the orders from their generation's elder (oldest member), the group of creatures (including Magi) get candy and other goodies on Easter. if not, another group covers up for them, so that the group will get candy anyway.

Family Rules:

Don't Inbreed- only breed these duckits with other duckits.
Don't release or freeze- all of these duckits must be able to deliver candy, so don't freeze or release them.
Name them- without names, the duckits will have a hard time calling off members to assign to a group.
If you're done with your duckit, return it to me.


1st Generation (1)