through a cloud Family Crest

The through a cloud Family

Creator: Pyromania11
Owner: GentleTrueDragon

Members: 6

The sun shines on the wet grass. The air smells like rain. You smile and tilt your face to the warmth. A rainbow stretches across the clouds, faint, but there. A Puvia gently lands beside you, making you gasp. You have never seen one up close. It trills sweetly, and bobs its head. Its feathers shimmer in the sun. You sigh as it flaps its powerful wings and soars. You sit down, not caring if you get wet. All around you Puvia fly, some are young and clumsy. Most, though, are agile and easily glide through the air. You smile and see the one who had approached you earlier. You lay back and watch it soar through a cloud...

No Releasing
Free to give
Please name them with original names
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1st Generation (2)

2nd Generation (2)