Is Of Magistream Family Crest

The Is Of Magistream Family

Creator: nightclaw
Owner: nightclaw

Members: 20

All of these Imps can be found in the Keep's gardens and fields, helping the plants grow and supporting them with thier presence. With members of this family around, it is certain that the crops will never fail, the flowers will not have a sudden blight, and all of the plants will grow to be the biggest of their species.

All of these family members will be named after amazing Magistream members, unless their actions have proved them to be otherwise. If a specific Magi wishes to have the Imp that was named after her come to their section of the keep they may, but they must breed the young one as much as they possibly can, and gift these amazing creatures to others. Please do not freeze or release those of this family, raise them to adults and then love them. <3


1st Generation (2)

2nd Generation (4)

3rd Generation (3)

4th Generation (7)

5th Generation (2)