Baratheon Family Crest

The Baratheon Family

Creator: NellaFantasia
Owner: NellaFantasia

Members: 13

The Baratheon line comes from the Stormlands, their main seat being at Storm's End. Robert Baratheon had grown close to Eddard Stark as children, both of them having been wards of Jon Arryn. He'd also been hopelessly in love with Eddard's younger sister, Lyanna, who he was betrothed to. When word reached him that Lyanna had been abducted by the Targaryen prince, Rhaegar, he flew into a rage, and it was this action which started the war now known as Robert's Rebellion. He killed Rhaegar on the battlefield and took the throne from the Mad King, but his beloved Lyanna died. Eventually he took Cersei Lannister as his mate and had three children, but he's never forgotten the one who held his heart. His brother, Stannis, reigns over Storm's End. Their motto: Ours Is The Fury!

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1st Generation (2)

2nd Generation (3)

3rd Generation (6)