the Unicorn Family Crest

The the Unicorn Family

Creator: Evy
Owner: Evy

Members: 13

Chaaaaarrrlieee... Let's go to Candy Mountain Charlie!

Lineage Rules:
~Inbreed if you must...
~Do not interbreed with other lineages.
~No freezing OR releasing eggs or hatchies. If you do not want your unicorn, please send it back to ThatDeadGirl.
~You are free to sell, or gift as you wish.
~All minicorns in this lineage MUST be named Charlie. We'll never get to Candy Mountain if you fuck that up.

Read the rules and follow them or you will be added to a blacklist that prohibits you from receiving ANY of my lineage babies.

Crest by: Drachenschwinge


1st Generation (5)

2nd Generation (3)

3rd Generation (1)

4th Generation (2)